
A Handbook on Exodus is unavailable, but you can change that!

This set of detailed commentaries provides valuable exegetical, historical, cultural, and linguistic information on the original text. Over the years this series has been instrumental in shedding light on the Scriptures so that translators all over the world could complete the important task of putting God's Word into the many languages spoken in the world today. Over the years church leaders...

be understood as and fought, so 17:10 TEV adds “and he went out to fight” (as in the Septuagint) in order to make clear that Joshua was also following Moses’ orders concerning when to start the attack. The rest of the verse seems to confirm that the orders were to wait until the next day to begin the fighting. And Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up introduces Hur for the first time, as though he was well known. He was evidently another assistant to Moses. (See 24:14.) 17:10 TEV and 17:10 CEV are probably
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